Tuesday, September 30, 2008

All The Leaves Are Brown...

There is not going to be too much adhearance to chronology in this blog, but you're in my world now and this is how we get down. We'll cut back to more Jersey later, but for now, we're starting up at the beginning of the September and the end of my time at home. Time to kick rocks and get the ball rolling on the California ordeal, after two fantastic weeks in the cocoon of #1, this was to be the last time I'd see the hunter gatherer, the man who puts the capital "B" in "Boss", come home for a beef sandwich for a while. How's the cupa soup Dad?

First stop was London and the bestest human in t' smoke, Chris Massey. He's my old room mate from Brentford, one of my nearest and dearest and a superb film maker. He works in music videos with people like Kanye West, and he keeps me inspired because amongst other things, he's winning at life. Here we see Chris in a small section of the Johnathan Glazzer (big boy Director - Sexy Beast, Sony Bravia ads, music videos etc) trophy room at Academy Films, this guy has so many awards they are like inconvenient clutter to him, you find them laying around all over the place.

There were several of these, the MTV spaceman has to be the tip top trophy...

Best rock chair on the planet, this thing was surprisingly comfortable. I'm taking this design to Grande C in Portugal fo sho! Chris said some Polish workers misstakenly took it apart to re-wall paper, looks like they did a pretty kosher job of putting it back together again...

London's finest couple, my main slice Chris and his wonder woman Ali. Thanks for the epicness you two...

Heavy Metal Church...

Down to the studio in Ladbrooke Grove. No soundbite available, you'll have to take my word for it that the sound was pinacle Adrian French engineering...

Nick Jensen in trademark casual steez. It's so amazing to see old friends like Nick but it really brings it home how much you miss them. Jetting around is fun, I just wish that people like Nick could come with me...

After running the con man mini cab gaunlet and having my Brother In Law James drive halfway down the M1 to come and get me, I finally make it to Turvey, the home of Jojo Nicholas, my sister. Time waits for no man and after a couple of very laid back days, it was time to face the music and head to Heathrow. Despite what the rest of the day holds in store, it's hard to stay down with these two little sun flowers on the back seat; Lils and Freya, back to school.

This is Big Bill, the latest addition to our family tree. This was also the last family sighting before getting aboard the luxuriously appointed National Express coach in Luton to get to Heathrow. Thanks Jo and James for your hospitality and the ultimate gravy/mash combo.

I've lost count of how many times I've made this transatlantic trek. Whatever my life holds in store for me down the road, I hope that there might be first class seating written into the script somewhere. After staring at white clouds for an eternity with that one question repeating in my head, I felt like Ranulph Fiennes glimpsing the peak of Everest for the first time when I looked out the window and saw DownTown Los Angeles smoking as the Union Jack Soared triumphantly above. Hopefully a good premonition for the future...

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